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Both have a perfect cock to suck Penis size shaming is still too normalised. It's time to talk about it. tits complimation. It goes something like this, "Don't judge a dick by its size." Many of us go about our days believing it's best to live large, that bigger is. Hello nairalanders. Please I have an earnest question that has been bothering me. Is it true that no matter how wide a lady's vigina is, it tends to tighten. Been together a couple months, only had sex recently. He has a small penis. I've slept with quite a few men over the years and none have been as. I'm on the much more well endowed size and I have to be careful during sex or it can be painful, which would not be a problem if I was smaller. Best selection of Small cock Porn - videos. Small Cock, Small Dick, Small Tits, Small Penis, Tiny Dick, Small Boy and much more.

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